Sunday, October 30, 2011

A letter to Charles Bukowski

Dear Mr. Bukowski,

      There's things that you know that may help save our world in the near future, or could have prevented from even coming close to approaching. Were you there when my Uncle was stabbed in an alley behind a bar after a meaningless fist fight in 2006? Were you the doctor working on the kid who's leg had to be amputated but the family didn't have enough money to pay for the operation in 2008? Oh, so you WERE there in the trial where the 16 year old boy was falsely accused of armed robbery but had to go to jail because he couldn't afford a good lawyer in 2002. You must have been there when they denied the suspect's plead for insanity and put him in a normal jail instead of a hospital to help him in 2004. HA! I know now, how you sat and watched Paris hilton be lifted into praise because her father was a millionaire in the early 2000's. You must have seen the riot in Vancouver just a few months back? So you did get the tip on the new found "religion", the Illuminati just a few years back? I know you studied how the drug overdose rate per 100,000 in 2007 was at it's height of about 900,00! You must have heard of the overwhelming debts we still owe to countries all over the world! HA! You seen the murder of Derrion Albert in 2010, or Rodney Kyles in 2011, both "open and unpunished murders in the streets". I know you saw the Flash mobs in Downtown chicago in 2011. You MUST have, if not how could you have said all of these things relating to it? But i just want to leave you with one question: if you said all of these other things were going to happen, and they've happen, What does this last part of your poem stand for?

                                                                                              Sincerley, A concerned thinker.

Background: If you haven't read Charles Bukowski's poem "dinosauria,we" here's the link:

By the way, this poem was written some time in the 1970s and Charles Bukowski died in 1994... How Do You Like Those Apples?     

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

father, son relationship

     Every one should have some type of communication with their father, especially as a son to be taught some of the core values of being a man. In the latest book we started reading "The Road" the world is in an Apocalyptic state which forces some things to be drastically changed. It's about a father and son going through the most extremest events to survive.
     Within this world people has gone so far as to turn to cannibalism to survive. The father tries his best to protect his song for if they were caught horrible things will be done to his son. The father carries around a pistol with only two bullets in it so if they are caught he can shoot his son, then shoot himself, because he doesn't want his son to go through the horrors of being caught by the cannibals.
     The father tries to stay to this principle that dying is better than his son being tortured like he would. A cannibal saw him and his son and the father had to waste one of the bullets on him instead of his first plan. Now he only has one bullet left in the gun.
     What if your little brother was the last family member you had left and you had one bullet in your gun, and you knew there were murderers in your house who would rape, torture, and eventually kill him? So in the end it was either you take your own life and he suffers or you take his life and you suffer? Would you be able to make a decision like this? Would you be able to kill your own BLOOD? Well, How Do You Like Those Apples?