Sunday, March 11, 2012

Memoir review (Death's lesson)

The memoir I read was Death's lesson by Mitchell W.  which had seemed to be very popular among my classmates. The kid (Mitchell) talks about his Grandpa who he admired very much, and how he learned a lesson from him passing away. This story kinda hit home because I feel the exact same way about my Grandpa and I know he's getting older as time passes and I know he won't be here all the time. The writer goes on to SAY that he learned a lesson, but never really SHOWED us (show don't tell). He skipped a few times too(although I don't know the full story or whether or not he had a word limit) which was very noticeable. Overall a decent memoir about a specific memory he had. He set it up in a way where he showed the relationship between him and his grandpa (building emotions) and then told about how he passed which made the reader sympathize him and let us know why it was such a strong, note worthy memory.