Friday, September 9, 2011


         Okay so i am one cool person to be around, or hang around and I'm very easy to talk to. I'm a very handsome, sharp dressed, smart young intellectual and I am just drop dead gorgeous, oh wait.... we were supposed to describe the reader in first point of view right? ;)
         So Hi guys I'm Alex, i could go on a rant about boring, useless facts about my life, so i will. I'm African American but i was born in thailand, just kidding i wasn't. Yes, I live in a bad neighborhood but I some how avoided gang violence and peer pressure around my house, maybe it was because school, or maybe it was because i had and still have DREAMS. big word huh? I actually WANT to live to see 18, even though in chicago, there's risk even if you aren't in a gang. I WANT to see my Mom smile, as I proudly strut across stage at graduation. I WANT to see scholarships offers on a table in front of me therefore giving me a choice as to which college i want to attend. I WANT to see a fellow college scholar so drunk that he passes out on his face and lose most of his front teeth to the pavement, that IS apart of college life right?
          I'll stop with the 'I have a dream' speech because I'm no Dr. Martin Luthor King who wrote by far one of the most influential speeches of all time, and with my speech, I'll just be influencing high schoolers to go see a drunk college guy hurt himself really really bad which is, horrible, still go to college though, it's good for your health. I think this is too long so i guess i'll stop. I hope you guys learned a lot about me from reading this :).

P.S my signature name "HowDoYOULikeThoseApples" is because I'll be blogging about different things i read and see what'd you guys think about it :).

1 comment:

  1. College is the move, dont get sidetracked by all of the stuff on the side, cause not even in the longrun you lose. im happy that you have your priorities the straightest.
