Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankful, for a Classmate... shoosh no!

     Gah, that awesome 5th period class period, full of outspoken, intelligent young men and women. A few people in the class always keep me amused though, so in a way i'm thankful for them. The class goes like" McCarthy: "blah blah blah *insert very thoughtful discussion question*".... Sohrob: "blah blah blah *insert snazzy comment*"... then EVERYONES FAVORITE Kirk: "blah blah blah... you know back in 500 BC the Roman catholic church blah blah blah".... then these two go back in forth on every single topic, then close to the end Kirk says a controversial religious state and then DARVISHA! comes in: "You know actually Kirk blah blah blah church blah blah *bell rings* *Kirk in Darvisha walks out of class debating*" LOL our English class is pretty interesting. Well these are the classmates that amuse me HAHAHA :). You guys make the class what it is now.

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