Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Red Hunting Hat

     Well my "Red hunting hat" or one thing that sticks out about me is my height and voice. I'm a Sophmore, and a guy, but i'm only 5'5(so serious). So people i know, can spot me and know that it's me because of my height. This is how i'm spotted most of the time, either my height or my voice. My voice isn't really deep, it's pretty high actually. Someone once described it as a "cartoon voice." My height and voice together to the people i know just creates.... Me, Alex, everyone's favorite person :).
     On the other hand my height, when people that don't know me is around me, they'll sometimes miss me or don't pay attention to me, which is actually a good thing. Say a robber or Gang member was looking for a victim, they wouldn't purposely target someone who looks like a 6/7th grader, as i am described as. Once again it's bad because if a kidnapper or rapist was on the street, and saw me, they'd think of me as a weak kid, when in reality i'm a high schooler and will flex them if they even touch me. My voice just adds on to this illusion.

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